
BBC Message Board

Dear teachers,
here is my question. When I am writing, are ''although'', ''though'' and ''even though'' interchangeable?
For example, I write,'' although she is young, she is brave. '' Than, can I replace ''although'' by ''though'' and ''even though''?
Are there any difference between them?

Teacher’s answer:
There is not enough difference to worry about. Feel free to use them interchangeably.

My reflection on their reply:
I haven’t thought the answer would be so succinct; but maybe it is because that the three expressions really don’t have too many differences. However, I have one comment to say: I think when replying the learners’ questions, the BBC board would give us some effective websites which is relating to the learners’ questions; therefore, learners gain more accesses to the self-studying sources; besides, the websites that teachers suggest are usually safe and useful.

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